What do you most look forward to about building your own luxury home in Perth? There are some parts of the process that are more enjoyable than others, and many people find that what they enjoy the most is the interior design aspect.
If you’re the gourmet chef in your family, you’ve likely claimed this part of the design process as your personal project. And now that you’ve staked your claim it’s time to put pen to paper and decide what it is that you want out of your new culinary paradise.
So, how do you go about choosing your kitchen layout and finishes? Fortunately for you, Exclusive Residence has put years of experience and research into making the process as simple and enjoyable as possible. Going through the S2F – start to finish – process, you’ll have access to a wide range of premium materials and fittings to select, as well as advice from building experts and award-winning interior designers.
1) Know thyself
It’s all good chasing after designer dreams – but do you want to feel like a stranger in your own home? The first part of designing a successful kitchen is to know what you want out of that space. Not only are we talking about functionality, but also daringness of design.
But, how can you know if something is good if you’ve never experienced it? This is where the homework comes in. Magazines, blogs, visits to your friends’ houses, memories of growing up – these are all valuable contributors to your style guide. Once you have a rough idea of what you expect in a kitchen, an interior designer can help you to make the most out of the materials and finishings available.
For example, you may be dead-set on an island kitchen, walk-in pantry and large scullery – all of which are good things. But do you know how you want to integrate these areas through natural stone flooring or neutral, flowing colour palettes? This leads us to the next step.
2) Take the advice of experts
The majority of us get to design a house once or twice in our lifetimes, but builders and interior design experts deal with stone choices and tile decisions everyday. They have weighed up the pros and cons of every decision a thousand times, and they are worth their weight in gold.
When you’re designing your custom home with Exclusive Residence, our design professionals will bring samples to you – laminates, tiles, floor coverings, stone textures – you name it! Unlike other building companies, we won’t send you from pillar to post to find out what you want.
Bring your ideas to the table, and let our interior designers do the hard work and compile the choices for you. You’ll get to touch and feel all of the various components, so you’ll know exactly what you’re getting and can be confident in the end result before building commences.