It might seem improbable, but Perth’s inner and middle suburbs are in fact primed for development. While those looking for affordable housing may be attracted to new builds on the fringe of the city, those looking to balance their lifestyle with their housing will be looking towards urban infill opportunities.
Subdividing or demolishing to build your new luxury home design in Perth can give you the ability to create your dream home, without having to move far from the area you love. However, that’s not the only benefit. The Property Council of Australia reveals that urban infill presents a host of positive outcomes for the city and its residents.
1. Protecting Perth’s natural surroundings
Research by the Conservation Council of Western Australia reveals that 87 per cent of Perth residents believe that more dwellings within the inner suburbs is the way to go for Perth’s future.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise, as continued urban sprawl threatens the unique landscape surrounding our fair city.
“Perth’s periphery is experiencing expansive housing growth leading to the loss of biodiversity in what is a significant and fragile ecosystem, recognised as one of 35 biodiversity hotspots in the world,” said Australian Institute of Landscape Architects WA President Nathan Greenhill.
“Urban infill will help to maintain those environmental values through managing the growth of Perth’s urban footprint.”
2. Balancing lifestyle with home style
Building your very own custom designed home doesn’t need to come at the expense of convenience and lifestyle factors. By choosing to build in the inner and middle suburbs of Perth, you can still access the great bars, eateries and cultural attractions that make this city great. All the while, going home to a house that is perfectly tailored to your family.
Heart Foundation CEO Maurice Swanson notes that being close to all of these amenities is not only a nicer way to live, but a healthier choice too.
“Perth needs to learn from the world’s ‘successful’ cities and provide a future which is not clogged by congestion and where our children will be able to walk, cycle or take public transport and have more time to enjoy a healthy lifestyle with their families,” he said.
Choosing to build your own luxury home could be the best decision you make for your family, especially if you can keep yourself and the environment healthier by doing so. If you’d like to hear more about the opportunities for building within the middle and inner suburbs, talk to Exclusive Residence today.